Discover what a database engine is, what exactly are the benefits of the InnoDB engine and why it is gaining a lot of worldwide popularity.
InnoDB is a very popular database storage engine for MySQL. It’s an alternative to the default engine – MyISAM, and it has got a number of strengths which make it the engine of choice for lots of script-based web applications, among them Joomla™ and Magento, which have switched to InnoDB for good. For example, adding huge data volumes will be faster with InnoDB, since it locks only a single row to execute a given task, not the entire database table, which makes the engine perfect for scalable applications. InnoDB also supports foreign keys and transactions – these refer to the manner in which the info is handled. Simply put, appending new or modifying existing data will either be entirely completed, or will be annulled and the procedure will be rolled back if any problem appears in the meantime, thus the content that remains in the database won’t be damaged.
InnoDB in Website Hosting
Every script-powered app that needs InnoDB will function flawlessly on our avant-garde cloud web hosting platform and the MySQL database storage engine comes with all our
website hosting packages. Each time you create a database manually or our app installer creates one automatically and an app installation is initiated, the engine that the database will use will be selected based on the app’s prerequisites without having to modify any setting in your shared account. InnoDB will be chosen automatically for any application that requires this specific engine and you will be able to get the most out of its full capacity. We’ll maintain daily content backups, so in case you accidentally remove a database that’s important to you or you overwrite a certain part of it, we will be able to restore your database the way it was only a couple of hours earlier.