The managing of a virtual or a dedicated hosting server is different than that of an ordinary shared internet hosting account, consequently if you need a server of your own for web content or offline apps, you could encounter problems which you have not faced before. All system tasks on a shared hosting server are addressed by the hosting provider, but if you have your own hosting machine, all of these tasks are something you have to cope with. If a process freezes for some reason, for instance, or if the overload on the hosting server increases considerably, you'll have to take measures to restore the correct functioning of the machine. Doing this could be a challenge if you have not managed a server before and you don't have lots of experience, so if this is the case, you may use the Managed Services upgrade we offer. Along with other administration tasks, you willfind a Monitoring & Rebooting service inside the package, so our staff can keep an eye on your machine 24/7 and restart it if required.